Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thoughts before I hit the road!!

Hey gang,
Todd here and I was thinking about the upcoming tournament that a few of CG2 are heading up to this weekend. Being this one of the first road trips CG2 has taken, we on”the road crew” are quite excited. Why is this? New players to fight! This though could be a doubled edge sword. Why is this? People in this certain hobby seem to have one of two sides. They are either in it to have fun…or DBAGS!
This player is all about himself. Probably has little to no social skills and was an only child. Conversations start out with Me, mine, my and I. They will approach a new guy and quickly inform him/her that he is the top dog and his army is the best. These players are also bi-polar players. On top of the world if they are up in the game, but becomes a raging maniac when they start to lose. The will quickly start making excuses for their sudden change in luck. Excuses such as, it was the dice, your codex is new, you made a net list and so on and so on. These are the players that will make a 2+ hour drive not worth it. This player ruins events and just discredits the hobby in general.
So how do we spot these players? Listen for loud boasting, or that player who is standing alone! You will most likely spot them right away. This player 9 out of 10 times has poor hygiene. He will have a swagger about him and a judging look on everyone. Also look for this players leaning over a table and either trouble shooting the players on rules or trying to give unwanted advice. Everyone has had someone just eves drop into a friendly game and quickly kill the mood. That’s the DBAG for you!
The in it to have fun player!
This is the player who makes the hobby a hobby! He cares about the whole game experience. The player who does not care if everything is painted or the army has older models. He just wants to play…well to play. Wins are great, ties are just as good and a lose, well leaves a door open for a re-match. This player is interested in your army not as much as his. This player has a good tactical sense but also knows it’s a game of chance. He will never make fun of your list…unless its really stinks. Still then he will help tweak it with you. Never does he take the game personal even against a DBAG! This player makes a 2+ plus hour drive worth it and an event fun! This is the player that needs to be out there in every game.
How do we spot this player? He is always smiling. He shakes your hand at the beginning and end of the game. This player has a clean appearance and has good hygiene. People will take you to him and introduce you. He has a record of good sportsmanship awards..duh! Overall he can and should be everyone.
Simple put, we all need to be this player. Stop trying to act hard gamers. We play with model Soldiers, not sending real ones into battle (military guys excluded). It’s a game, just like Monopoly, Life and scrabble. Intended for entertainment, not personal greed and pride. Nerds jump at any attention and try to make themselves higher and mightier in their realms. Serious, take a step back and remember it’s a hobby, but if you see it as your life…WOW! Ok enough ranting. Hope this helps some people realize what type of player they are, or at least will help get rid of those DBAG players.
Play games, have fun and as always
Keep rolling them dice!!


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